Getting started with Heron stream processing engine in Ubuntu 14.04

I was trying to get started with Heron which is a stream processing engine from twitter and faced some problems when trying to do the initial setup on Ubuntu. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 so not these problems might not happen in other Ubuntu versions. The steps below are simply following the steps in the Heron documentation. But since i am working on Ubuntu we will only show the steps for Ubuntu.

Step 1.a : Download installation script files

You can download the script files that match to Ubuntu from

For the 0.14.0 release the files you need to download will be the following.

Optionally - You want need the following for the steps in the blog post

Step 1.b: Execute the client and tools shell scripts

$ chmod +x
$ ./ --user
Heron client installer

Heron is now installed!

Make sure you have "/usr/local/bin" in your path.

After this you need to add the path "/usr/local/bin" which would look something line "/home/username/bin" for you. You can just execute the following command or add it to the end of  .bashrc file ( which is more convenient ).

$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

Step 2 — Launch an example topology

$ heron submit local ~/.heron/examples/heron-examples.jar com.twitter.heron.examples.ExclamationTopology ExclamationTopology

This command will submit the example topology "ExclamationTopology" to your local running cluster.

Step 3 — Start Heron Tracker and Step 4 — Start Heron UI

In this step the commands will start the Heron tracker and Heron UI.

$ heron-tracker
... Running on port: 8888
... Using config file: /Users/USERNAME/.herontools/conf/heron_tracker.yaml

$ heron-ui
... Running on port: 8889
... Using tracker url: http://localhost:8888
Now you can access the Heron from http://localhost:8889

Step 5 — Explore topology management commands

This is the step that i ran into some problems when trying out for the first time in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This step shows you how to activate deactivate and kill topologies. The following commands are used to do so.

$ heron activate local ExclamationTopology
$ heron deactivate local ExclamationTopology
$ heron kill local ExclamationTopology

But when i tried to execute these commands  i got the following error.

java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ~/.herondata/repository/state/local/pplans/ExclamationTopology

was able to figure out after some googling that this is due to some missing packages in Ubuntu. So installing the following packages did the trick for me.

$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential automake cmake libtool zip libunwind-setjmp0-dev zlib1g-dev unzip pkg-config -y

I hope this helps anyone who comes across the same issue.


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